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We’ve all been there.

Setting all those big goals for the New Year. You know the ones: starting gym, learning new programming language, eating healthier and countless more big plans – Only to fail
miserably a couple of months later (if that).

Well we are already seven days into 2022 –

How well are you sticking to your New Year resolutions!?

Not so good I hear you whisper… worry not.

This is nothing new or unusual, in fact the vast majority or New Year’s resolutions end up a failure.

OK, fair enough. So how do we fix it?

Before you even start planning goals for the next year. Start with the Personal End of Year Review. This will help you understand what’s achievable.

You can learn an awful lot from your failures. The main idea is to set goal that will stick.

How To Set New Year’s Resolutions: Here Are Our Top Tips

01. Don’t Aim for the Stars.

Instead set attainable goals. Goals you can achieve.

02. Be Specific, Very Specific.

So for example, instead of a vague statement like:

“I’ll get in shape” decide on something more specific such as:

“By June 2022 I’ll be able to run 🏃‍♂️ 5 miles comfortably”

See what we did there. Not just what but also when.

Consistency is a Major Key to Any Success in Life

03. Be consistent

Regularly review and track progress on your goals. Without consistency and a system in place to help you measure and track progress you will most likely fail.

04. Write it Down ✍️

Write your goals / resolutions down and put them somewhere you can see them.

05. Be Positive

Always look at the bright side.

A positive outlook is an important part of your journey. You will struggle to complete your goals if you don’t believe in yourself.

So there you have it. Our top tips on how to set New Year’s resolutions that will stick.
