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Quitting The 9 to 5 Job and Becoming A Digital Nomad

Quitting The 9 to 5 Job and Becoming A Digital Nomad

Many people talk about quitting the 9 to 5 job and becoming a digital nomad.
Is it really that simple?

The super-quick answer is “NO”… it is just not simple at all. In fact, it’s quite difficult and requires a lot of consistency, as well as smart work.

In this post, we are going to look into opportunities and challenges that you may face when embarking on the ‘Quitting the 9 to 5’ journey.

So you’ve just finished reading  “The 4 hour work week” and you’re getting ready for Thailand. You’re skimming through your holiday checklist. Then you’re just about to hit “send” on that resignation email to your Boss to quit your 9 to 5.


Time for reality check. How many of us can comfortably quit that boring 9 to 5 and start the digital nomad adventure ?
Traveling the world while working (on the laptop) the 4 hour workweek. It sounds good but it’s not that simple.

In this post, we’re going to look into some challenges as well as opportunities which we suggest you consider before deciding on becoming a digital nomad.

Let’s start with the opportunities. Always look at the bright side as they say.

Opportunities – Why quitting the 9 to 5 and becoming your own boss can be easy.

Freelance economy is doing well.

The freelance economy is booming with over a quarter of UK organisations relying on freelancers to complete core business tasks. This means that, as long as you have the required skills and know how to market yourself. You should be able to find clients.

Multiple jobs can be done online / working from home (or a beach resort if you’re very lucky).

There is a lot of interesting freelance gigs you could consider. Anything from graphic design to building smartphone apps. Of course we’d like to mention the opportunity we offer , here at Gambole to make a side income.

Marketplaces to offer your skills.

A number of big marketplaces is available to those willing to embark on a freelance journey.
Some of the more notable being PeoplePerHour and Upwork.
These platforms help connect buyers with sellers.

Acquiring new skills is easier than ever before.

Living in 24/7, always on digital world has it’s perks. Of of these perks is easy access to knowledge. Learning new skills has never been so easy. And what’s best, you can now do it for free or for a fraction of price of what it would have cost you just a decade ago.
There are tons of free and inexpensive courses available on platforms like Udemy.


Although opportunities for becoming a digital nomad or freelancer are plentiful, there are also some challenges.

Gambole Thinks That Being a Digital Nomad is not that easy quote against a detailed sketch of a very structured workflow

Marketing your skills

Now, we’re not sure if this one is a challenge or opportunity. Perhaps a bit of both. While there are many ways and platforms available to market your skills, there is also plenty of competition. You may have the best skills out there but if you don’t know how to market yourself, you’ll struggle to find clients.


You’ve probably heard the term “feast or famine” It refers to either having too much of something or too little. That “something” we’re talking about here is paid projects and clients.

This is especially true when you’re just starting out. Unlike your 9 to 5, freelancing, or working for yourself in general, does not guarantee a steady income. In you 9 to 5, you show up on time and collect your wages by the end of the month. Freelancers get paid by projects, projects can vary in amounts of money they will generate as well as longevity. Some projects will be one off jobs, other can last a couple of months. Some arrangements may be much longer depending on your business niche.

This is why managing your cashflow may be a bug challenge. If you don’t generate enough income from your projects and have no savings, you may simply run out of money.
Now, imagine if this happens when you’re in Thailand. This could be an and to your digital nomad lifestyle.

Wrapping Up

So there you have it. Although this is by no means an exhaustive list of all the pros and cons for becoming a digital nomad. We hope this post will give you sone idea about the opportunities and challenges which may await you on your freelancing journey.

6 Actionable Tips To Help You Stop Procrastinating And Get Things Done

6 Actionable Tips To Help You Stop Procrastinating And Get Things Done

Working from home ?

Here’s 6 actionable tips to help you stop procrastinating.

Working from home is becoming increasingly common, but it’s not quite as blissful as you might think.

There’s no doubting that working from home can be extremely enjoyable and productive, but it brings with it several challenges – chief of which is procrastination.

What is Procrastination?

Every human being on the planet is capable of and susceptible to procrastination.

It’s when we have something important to undertake but find ourselves being distracted by something else.

That something else isn’t necessarily less important or a waste of time, but it isn’t appropriate for that moment in time. It gets in the way of you achieving the task you should be working on and is a poor use of the time you have available.

Why Can Procrastination Be a Big Problem for Freelancers and People Working from Home?

Monochrome image of woman in skirt and stylish high heel shoes sitting on a bench looking down at floor procrastinating

Working from home should be a brilliant way to raise your productivity levels. Unfortunately, procrastination is a productivity killer.

It stops you focusing on what’s important and leads you down rabbit holes that eat away at your time.

There’s no silver bullet to stop procrastinating; it’s something that will inevitably happen occasionally if you work from home. There are, however, some strategies you can lean on to prevent it from taking over your working life.

How to Stop Procrastinating

So, you’ve decided to work from home but are concerned about how much you can get done.

Don’t worry – follow these simple actionable tips to stop procrastinating and raise your productivity levels.

1. Plan Ahead

When working from home, make sure you pan ahead. The more you understand what you need to do for the rest of the week, the more you can ensure you focus on those tasks, rather than procrastinating.

2. Don’t Plan Too Much

Planning ahead is important, but if you want to stop procrastinating, it’s vital that you don’t plan too much.

There’s nothing more soul destroying than a colossal to-do list. The mere sight of it may in fact lead you to immediately begin procrastinating to take your mind off the tasks you’ve set yourself.

Stick to three achievable main tasks per day.

3. Use Systems and Tools

Productivity is hard to tame and maintain a consistent approach with, but there are plenty of systems and tools you can use to make it easier and remain procrastination-free

Here’s some of the best:

  • The Pomodoro Technique
  • Inbox zero – a big topic, but essentially the process of keeping your email inbox free of unread messages by dealing with it at set intervals each day
  • Time blocking – this is all about working on big and small tasks one at a time and not being bound by a standard 9-5 day

4. Try Making Your Phone Distraction-Free

This doesn’t mean deleting every app from your phone – instead, you can simply remove those that are rarely used but which you find yourself opening whenever you want to ‘escape work’.

Try turning off all but the most important notifications, too. Phone calls and text messages are more important than Facebook updates.

Have you got a distraction free smartphone?

5. Utilise the 2-Minute Rule

This is simple. If something on your to-do list will take two minutes or less, do it there and then – don’t put it off.

The more two-minute tasks you undertake, the more time you’ll have to yourself later in the day, and that should mean less procrastination during work time.

6. Start With the Dreaded First

We all have tasks on our daily lists that we’d rather avoid, but that can easily lead to procrastination.

To avoid this, tackle those dreaded tasks first. Some call this the Eat That Frog principle, and it really does work.

Wrapping up

If you’re just starting to work from home or have been doing so for some time, the actionable tips above will ensure you’re as productive as you can be by removing your desire to procrastinate.

It’s also much easier than you might think, too.

Good luck!

5 Productivity Tips for the Self-Employed

5 Productivity Tips for the Self-Employed

There are more people than ever taking up self-employed working positions, and for good

Being self-employed gives you the freedom to work under your own terms and make money
doing the things you love.

But it isn’t easy, and one of the biggest challenges is remaining productive.
Here’s five brilliant ways to be ultra-productive as a self-employed professional.

1. Pick a project management technique – and stick to it

There are a huge number of project management techniques out there. This is both a
blessing and a curse for the self-employed.

The reason? It’s far too easy to spend more of your time trying out new techniques than
actually getting stuff done.

The secret lies in choose one method and sticking by it as soon as you know it’ll work for
you. Check out this guide to kanban to get started with one of the most popular project
management techniques out there.

2. Structure your day firmly

One of the best things about being self-employed is that you get to structure your day.
The hard part? Structuring it! With so much freedom, it can be frighteningly easy to sail
through each day unproductively as you take unscheduled exercise breaks, coffee with
friends and ‘reward’ yourself with an episode of your favourite TV show.

Instead, make sure you firmly structure your working day so that you get out of bed at the
same time, start work at a consistent hour and finish when you’re satisfied your to-do list is

Excessive Planning can Become a Fancy Way to Procrastinate
3. Track your time

Even if you don’t work for billable hours, tracking your time each day is a great way to
remain productive.

There are plenty of tools for doing this, and even if it seems like a bit of a burden to begin
with, starting and ending that timer will soon become second nature and will help you assess
how productive you’re being and on what tasks you’re spending the lion’s share of your time.

4. Listen to music or white noise

Depending on your working environment, you might benefit from listening to music while you

For some people, however, even music can be distracting. And, if music without lyrics still
doesn’t help you focus on the task in hand, try white noise instead – it’s a great way to block
out the world around you and enable you to only focus on the job.

5. Get some exercise!

If there’s one tip in this list that’s probably the most important, it’s this one.
Regular exercise will not only make you a healthier person, it’ll improve your productivity
immeasurably, too.

The brain craves oxygen and the best way to feed it is to get out there and exercise as
regularly as possible. It might be a trip to the gym or dog walk around the block, but
whatever it is make it a daily routine that becomes a habit. The effect will be transformative.

Wrapping up

Enjoy being productive. Our tips above will help you reach the end of that to-do list every
day, and in a more efficient way than you ever thought possible.

Kylie Jenner Billionaire: Youngest Ever Self-Made Female

Kylie Jenner Billionaire: Youngest Ever Self-Made Female

The Rise and Rise of Kylie Jenner Billionaire

You might be forgiven for thinking than the youngest member of the Jenner/Kardashian clan has been renamed ‘Kylie Jenner – Youngest-Ever-Billionaire’ because, following the release of a recent Forbes magazine cover – Kylie Jenner’s wealth has been the hot topic of conversation on the lips of everyone from wealthy city financiers to fanatical Kylie fans.

Since the Forbes magazine devoted to America’s Women Billionaires, published August 31, 2018 placed her on the front cover with the headline:

‘$900 Million Cosmetics Queen. At 21, she’s set to be the youngest-ever self-made billionaire. Welcome to the era of extreme fame leverage’ – everyone seems to be adding the suffix ‘Billionaire’ whenever her name is mentioned.

Well fast forward to 05th March 2019, and the people at Forbes Magazine have confirmed it…. Kylie Jenner’s net worth is now reported to be an astonishing $1bn (759m) – and growing rapidly.

Incredibly, Kylie is currently 2,057th place in the Forbes Global Rich List – take a moment to let that sink in. Okay take TWO moments!

The fact is, as is usually the case, there is a lot more to the headlines than meets the eye. Keep reading and we’ll show you how you can get your own little piece of the Kylie Jenner Billionaire status by leveraging your own ‘fame’ or influence.

The Kylie Jenner Billionaire Cosmetic Business

Kylie originally launched Kylie Cosmetics in November 2015 as somewhat of a niche product or hobby with only one product: the $29 Kylie Lip Kit, which consisted of a liquid lipstick and matching lip pencil.

The kits sold out online within a matter of hours, and the $29 Lip Kits were even being resold on eBay for up to $300 – Kylie and her mom-ager Kris Jenner saw the opportunity in front of them and decided to scale up and take the product to the next level.

Kylie and Kris knew that Kylie Cosmetics now had the leverage and momentum to grow quickly. They also needed to broaden the range and fully establish Kylie Cosmetics as a ‘brand’ – so they teamed up with the well-connected make-up manufacturer Seed Beauty to give them more leverage and creativity.

Seed Beauty – The Perfect Partnership

Brother and sister John and Laura Nelson set up Seed Beauty in 2014 after years of learning the industry working in another beauty industry supply company – their father’s, Spatz Laboratories.

The Californian based Seed Beauty also has manufacturing facilities in China and is well known to industry insiders for its ability to quickly design, produce and supply products for online influencers in the beauty niche – so the perfect ‘partner’ for Kylie Cosmetics.

The partnership has enabled Kylie Cosmetics to operate effectively, with zero direct manufacturing costs or the normal overheads associated with traditional businesses. In fact, as a complete opposite to traditional mainstream cosmetic brands such as Estee lauder or L’Oréal, Kylie Cosmetic products are mostly sold online, serving the demands of hundreds of thousands of loyal customers worldwide without the overheads that come with ‘traditional’ businesses such as premises, large marketing budgets or shop staff or employees.

In fact the business is so lean, it is rumoured that Kylie Cosmetics only has twelve employees… including:

Kylie Jenner – as well as being the founder and CEO of Kylie Cosmetics, because of her ‘work’ on social media platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, cites herself as ‘Chief Marketing Officer’ and ‘Chief Creative Officer’ – and judging by the ever-increasing Kylie Cosmetic sales – it looks like she’s doing a great job!

Kris Jenner (Kylie’s mother) – Cited as being responsible for PR and Fiscal management of Kylie Cosmetics for a reported overall 10% Management fee.

Kylie Jenner Billionaire

The Kylie Jenner Billionaire Tag

So you may be wondering what is Kylie Jenner’s ‘actual’ net worth?

Well, according to the Forbes Magazine article published March 2019, Kylie Cosmetics is said to be worth a staggering $1bn (759m) – and, because of the extraordinary low overheads in the business, explained earlier, coupled with the fact that Kylie Jenner owns 100% of the business – then it follows that all the equity belongs to her!

Yes, the whole $1bn (759m)!

By way of comparison it is worth noting it took Bobbi Brown Cosmetics 25 years to achieve $1 billion in certified earnings.

‘Never Give Up’ – The Kylie Jenner Billionaire Mantra

A lot of people may say that it was ‘easy’ for Kylie Jenner to make it big because of the family she was born into – but it would have also been easy for her to sit back, and not enter the difficult world of business, not face challenges, failures or global criticism.

After all nobody would have raised a disapproving eyebrow if Kylie opted instead to enjoy her adolescence instead of entering the cut and thrust world of business and entrepreneurship.

Kylie and her older sister Kendall have partnered on many products and endorsements, with differing degrees of commercial success.

The first being when Kylie was just 15 years of age in 2012 – Some of the other noteworthy collaborations are:

2012 – Kendall and Kylie collaborated with the clothing PacSun and created their own clothing line ‘Kendall & Kylie’

2013 – Kendall and Kylie collaborated with Pascal Mouawad’s Glamhouse and launched a jewellery collection called ‘Metal Haven by Kendall & Kylie’

2014 – Kendall and Kylie collaborated with Steve Madden to launch their shoe and handbag line for Madden Girl Line

2014 – Kendall and Kylie collaborated with ghost-writer Maya Sloan to write a sci-fi novel called, ‘Rebels: City of Indra – The Story of Lex and Livia’

Kylie Jenner Family Background

Make no mistake, Kylie Jenner comes from a very wealthy, influential and socially connected family.

Her mother Kris Jenner was originally married to the famous lawyer Robert Kardashian from 1978 until their divorce in 1991. That marriage saw the birth of the ‘Kardashians’ – Robert, Kim, Khloe and Kourtney!

Only one month after divorcing Robert Kardashian, Kris married American Olympian William Bruce Jenner in April 1991 – now renamed Caitlyn Jenner after gender transition, in April 2015.

Kris gave birth to Kendall in 1995 and Kylie Jenner was born on August 10, 1997.

At the age of 10 in 2007, Kylie made her first appearance on the family’s new reality show ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians’ – The show, and the family became an instant hit!

After dating the rapper Tyga between 2014 and 2017, Kylie Jenner began dating 26-year-old rapper Travis Scott in April 2017.

The couple soon announced they were expecting their first child, and, on February 01, 2018 Kylie gave birth to a baby girl whom they named Stormi Webster.

3 Key Kylie Jenner Questions:

Q1. How old is Kylie Jenner?

Kylie Jenner was born in 1997 and is now 21 years old.

Q2. What is Kylie Jenner’s Instagram account?

Kylie Jenner’s Instagram account can be found here.

Q3. What is Kylie Jenner’s net worth?

Kylie Jenner’s net worth is $900 million.

The Kylie Jenner Billionaire Blueprint – How To Make It Work For You

Let’s be honest, it’s very unlikely that most of us will become a billionaire doing what Kylie Jenner has done – but what we can do is get our own little slice of the Health, Wellness and Beauty pie with almost zero risk and very little expenditure.

In fact using the very same core principles outlined above by Kylie Jenner to grow and develop Kylie Cosmetics, anyone can leverage their direct contacts such as friends and family or social media contacts to promote and sell products to.

Make It Work For You

Just as Kylie Cosmetics uses Seed Beauty to develop, design and manufacture in demand products – you too can have access to a global distribution network of products from make-up to weight loss which you can promote and sell without having to worry about production costs, marketing budgets or payment or currency problems.

The Kylie Jenner Billionaire Blueprint is in fact a simple variation of the tried and tested network marketing formula which essentially gets a product to the consumer without excess overheads or the need for additional or excess people to be paid along the way – meaning greater profits for you the seller.

To find out more about how to get started and making money immediately, visit the Gambole Marketing homepage or drop us an email using the form below. Make a start today!

So Who Is The Richest Person In The World 2019

Well, the richest person in the world is Jeff Bezos, whose net worth stands at an estimated $131bn (£99.4bn) according to the Forbes publication.

Bill Gates, the Microsoft co-founder remains in second place with a reported net fortune of $96.5bn (£73.3bn) as reported in the recent list.

Another noteworthy mention is that of Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg who has seen his reported 2018 wealth fall by $8.7bn (£6.6bn) to $62.3bn (£47.3bn), which leaves him at number eight on the mega-wealthy Forbes Rich List for 2019.