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Dynamic Self-Image and Goal Getting as Created by Pablo Picasso

Your self-image is not what you actually see when you look in the mirror. Your self-image is the way that you primarily feel and think about yourself.

Our feelings connected with our self-image are formed by the accumulation of our life interactions – these include our intentions, our thoughts, our attitudes, our beliefs, our language, our behaviours, our environments and our associates.

This self-image is initially formed by our external forces. It then develops and dictates our own internal thoughts, beliefs, reactions and actions – which in turn goes on to reinforce and re-form our external world.

This cycle is important because a negative self-image, created from negative external forces leads to unhappiness, under achievement, depression, un-fulfilment and a host of other mentally limiting conditions.

This pattern occurs repeatedly, and this automatic cycle becomes our self-image, or in basic terms… ‘us’.

We say or think that our self-image is ‘who we actually are’ because we cannot usually logically differentiate between our own thoughts, our actions and our true ‘self’.

These are three completely separate things – yes, it’s weird!

A Question on Self-Image

Are we our thoughts, actions or ‘self’ or are we in fact separate from them?

Instil the words “I must” and “I will” into the voice of your self-image.
The voice of your self-image is your daily self-talk.

Change self-talk such as, “I would like to make money” to “I choose to make extra money”. The verb, (an action word/command), makes the intention strong, empowering and clear. Your intentions expressed in your self-talk should include dynamic verbs such as , I need to, I will, I must, I have to, I opt to, I intend to, I choose to, I am going to…

The only thing that counts, in painting, is the intention, and it’s true. That is what’s important – Pablo Picasso

Have the ‘intention’ to create your own reality based upon how you want to see your reality. Hold that ‘intention’ and never deviate from it.

Apply Logic to Overcome a Poor Self-Image

One of  the more common aspects of a poor self-image – and believe me, there are a lot, is the heighted sense of ‘fear’, ‘uncertainty’ or ‘not feeling good enough’ when faced or placed in common situations.

The words ‘fear’ and ‘failure’ are tags that most people wouldn’t like to be labelled with as they are such negative and destructive tags to wear. So, in order to avoid the embarrassment of these monikers most people remain ‘secure’ in their comfort zone. But, as the saying goes;

“A ship is safe in harbour, but that’s not what ships are for.”

Many of us have seen this sometimes-unhelpful acronym:

F.E.A.R (False Evidence Appearing Real)

Here is a very useful and simple method for dealing with ‘fear’.

The first thing to ask when you are uncertain or fearful about a certain course of action is this:

What is it that you are fearful or uncertain about? What do you actually fear losing?

Get a piece of A4 paper and write the word ‘Blue’ in big letters at the top of the page.

Below this, number each point and write down the very worst-case scenario of everything that you fear in relation to your issue.

On the back of that same A4 piece of paper write the word ‘Red’ in big letters at the top of the page.

Below this, number each point and write down the very best-case outcome scenario of everything if you act against or ignore your fears in relation to your issue.

Now… which side of the paper do you KNOW to be more realistic?

Which side of the paper do you want to become your reality?

Red or Blue? Neo from The Matrix taking a pill from Morpheous

There is a great scene in the film The Matrix which highlights this principle using red and blue pills as an analogy.

If you want to be truly successful, you have to overcome your fears, you have to believe that you have the potential to re-create your self-image.

You have to take the ‘red pill’, i.e. the piece of paper titled ‘Red’, and then see for yourself how deep the rabbit hole really goes – you can decide your lifestyle.

But in the back of your mind, if you fear your ability, if you fear the ‘fear’, you fear what people may think, fear upon fear, upon fear. Then keep taking the ‘Blue Pill

Overcome Your Fears And Move Towards Your Success

You don’t have to be great to make a start. But, you must start in order to be great.

Make a life changing decision today. Overcome the fear – and the success will be yours.

So what are you waiting for?

In order to truly express the human spirit or ‘self’ in its fully un-caged essence; to live our true self-image, we have to push the expression of ourselves to the very limit.

We should not hold ourselves back for fear of failure, or ridicule because as Abraham Lincoln said:

‘My great concern is not whether you have failed, but whether you are content with your failure.”

The face of a terrified woman crying in the background with the word FEAR in the foreground

You must have the courage to fully commit to your goals and to take all of the actions necessary to achieve them.

Goals? Where Did They Come From?

Yes. We can’t talk about fears without talking about goals. So let’s quickly do that.

Usually our fears are lurking right there in front of our progress or GOALS. The things that we really want, the things we really yearn for – the apple in the garden of Eden. Not that mouldy old fruit that has fallen on the floor being ravaged by bugs but the real ripe ‘n’ juicy stuff hanging just over there…

Do not set unchallenging, unfulfilling goals because they too will fail to inspire you. After all, where would we be if it were not for those people who did not fear failure? We would all probably still be living in mud huts…

In fact, we would all be dead, because our ancestors would have been ‘afraid’ to go out and hunt for food fearful that they would not have successfully killed any wild beasts or worse still, fearful that they would have been attacked and killed themselves.

Body Builders Love Failure

I really like and admire the way body builders frame the word ‘failure’.

They ALWAYS strive for ‘failure’.

In a training session a body builder will lift the weights doing a series of sets or repetitions – for example 3 sets of 8 repetitions. On the very last set the body builder will finish the repetition only when he or she is unable to lift or curl that particular weight without a bit of assistance and extra encouragement.

This is called ‘lifting to failure’.

At this point, and only at this point, do they feel good about their accomplishment – because they know at the point of ‘failure’ they have given their gym session everything that they have – both physically and mentally. And, more importantly – only at this point of ‘failure’ do they achieve the desired effect; which is muscle growth!

That’s what you need to do…

For each task that you set – go to ‘failure’.

Decide to Decide

Decide to make your own history. Decide to create your own future. Decide to re-design your lifestyle. Decide to make your mark.

Do not wait until next year, next week or next whatever.

Your actions are based upon your beliefs, and it is your actions that lead to results. Therefore, if your belief is weak – your actions will be weak, and as a consequence your results will be weak!

If your belief is strong – your actions will be positive, and your results will be successful!

Re-create your self-image as you want it to be.

Discover your boundaries, discover your limitations, discover your true ability – and above all…

Discover You!

Pablo Picasso Sleeping Peasants 1919

And Finally:

You may be asking: Why the painting? I hope that you are! The painting above was created by Pablo Picasso in 1919 and it is called ‘Sleeping Peasants’.

Picasso and other painters create as they see, or as they would like to see from their own perspective.

They in effect create their own reality from their own intentions. The intention is 100% their own. That is what we all should aim to do – create our own intentions, or our self-image!

Please take a look at the official Pablo Picasso website.